New JCST appointments

28 Sep 2017

Congratulations to: John Brecknell - taking over from Stella Vig as the new CSTAC Chair from October 2017 Jon Lund - taking over from Gareth Griffiths as the new ISCP Surgical Director from...

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Tax Relief on Trainee Fee

01 Sep 2017

Trainees who are UK taxpayers can claim tax relief on the JCST training fee against their earnings from employment. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) allows individuals to claim tax relief on...

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Major Trauma TIG Fellowships 2018

30 Jun 2017

Are you passionate about major trauma care? HEE, the JCST and the Severn PGME are proud to announce the development of five fully funded Major Trauma Training Interface Fellowships that are due to...

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ASiT, BOTA and JCST survey of trainee morale

29 Jun 2017

We are proud to be running a co-badged survey of trainee morale with the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) and the British Orthopaedic Trainees' Association (BOTA). All trainees with a...

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