Introduction to Training

We consider patient safety to be at the heart of surgical training and endeavour to consider this in all that we do. We work hard therefore to ensure that surgical trainees are appropriately trained and competent. 

The JCST secretariat has Trainee Services teams who will monitor your training, make applications to your Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC) and update your certification date.  SACs are responsible for a number of areas namely:

  • Assessing applications related to your training
  • Developing and maintaining the surgical curricula and syllabuses, including respective assessment tools – all available via the ISCP website
  • Organising, in conjunction with local deanery offices, national recruitment and selection into specialty training programmes
  • As advisory bodies, ensuring that a representative (SAC Liaison Member) attends local assessment meetings (ARCP and STC meetings) to offer external and impartial advice to both trainees and trainers
  • Recommending trainees to the General Medical Council (GMC) for the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) for Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST)
  • Developing quality indicators for the training of surgeons, to supplement GMC guidance on training

Each SAC has a trainee representative, who can offer impartial advice on Surgical Training from a trainee’s perspective. If you wish to contact the trainee representative please see further details for individual SACs here.

It is therefore important that you:

  • Register with the JCST if you are a Core, LAT or FTSTA trainee (this is an automated process through your use of the ISCP)
  • Enrol with your SAC if you are in a National Training Numbered (NTN) post
  • Inform us if you go out of programme
  • Inform us if there are any changes to your training, for example less than full time (LTFT) training periods or you change Deanery
  • Trainees using the ISCP website should keep their ISCP account up to date. It is important to make sure all the details are correct, run consecutively and are fully signed off by all relevant parties
  • Regularly check the JCST or ISCP news items for important updates on training
  • Send us any information we request promptly

If any changes occur to your training, which may include out of programme or LTFT, then you should check with your Deanery to see what their processes and requirements are. You may also need to check the GMC/IMC websites to see what their regulations are about these processes.

The JCST is guided in all these matters by the Gold Guide (for StR trainees), A Reference Guide for Speciality Training in Ireland (for SpR trainees) and SAC decisions.

If you have any questions about any of the above please contact us.