JCST Training Fee

The JCST training fee has been in operation since August 2008 and is set by the Presidents of the four surgical Royal Colleges of the UK and Ireland. It covers all of JCST's services and activities, including maintenance and development of the online training management system, the ISCP.  The exception is the work the JCST does on behalf of the General Medical Council (GMC) to assess CESR/Portfolio Pathway applications - the GMC pay the JCST for this work.  Please read the JCST's Terms of Reference for further information. For details on current and future fees please read the Presidents' statements below:

The fee is now tax deductible.

We have created some frequently asked questions (FAQs).

You can pay the fee through your ISCP account by going to: Dashboard > JCST Fee > Make a payment