Key Documents
Training References
- A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK (Gold Guide)
- A Reference Guide for Speciality Training in Ireland
JCST / ISCP Documents
- Intercollegiate EDI policy statement (November 2024)
- ISCP New Curriculum Useful Links January 2022
- Letter to Trust CEOs on professional support for curriculum implementation (Feb 2021)
- Bullying, undermining and harassment: JCST policy statement (Aug 2022)
- Pregnancy: A guide for surgical trainees and trainers (May 2020)
- JCST Terms of Reference (October 2023)
- Run through training pilots update (April 2023)
- Surgical training pathway (June 2019)
- JCST Principles for Training in the Private Sector (Nov 2018)
- Run Through Training TPD ARCP and SACs
- Assigned Educational Supervisor report feedback form (editable web form)
- JCST non-mandatory training costs (Dec 2017)
- JCST Strategy 2018-23
- JCST LTFT statement (Sept 2017)
- JCST CoPSS contract letter_Exception Reporting (Feb 2017)
- Return to Work Guidance (Sept 2016)
- TIG Review - Final Report (April 2016)
- New Certification process - background paper (2016)
JCST Process Documents
SAC Documents
- ISCP Pocket User Guide for JCST SAC Liaison Member Report
- ISCP User Guide for JCST SAC Liaison Member Report
- Liaison Member Appraisal Form
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC)
- Guidance for flexibility in postgraduate training and changing specialties (June 2020)
- COVID-19 Specialty Recruitment Plans (30 March 2020)
- Facilitating Reflection - A guide for supervisors (June 2019)
- Reflective practice guidance (September 2018)
- Reflective practice guidance summary (September 2018)
- AoMRC and COPMeD Reflective practice Toolkit (September 2018)
- HEE Study Budget guidance for trainees (March 2018)
- Mandatory training costs 2017 - JCST (p.33-36)
COVID-19 JCST guidance
- JCST Curriculum Derogations - updated November 2021
- ARCP outcomes on ISCP as of September 2021
- eLogbook cases - Dec 2018 to August 2021 UK
- eLogbook cases - Dec 2018 to August 2021 RoI
- ARCP outcomes on ISCP as of August 2021
- ARCP outcomes on ISCP as of July 2021
- ARCP outcomes on ISCP as of June 2021
- Surgery specific management of ARCPs during COVID-19 (ARCP Decision Aids) - updated May 2021
- Maximising Training (April 2021)
- COVID-19: JCST Statement update VI (1 October 2020)
- COVID-19: JCST Statement update V (7 August 2020)
- COVID-19: JCST Statement update IV (1 June 2020)
- National Selection Statement: General Surgery & Vascular Surgery
- COVID-19: JCST Statement update III (27 April 2020)
- COVID-19: JCST Statement update II (17 April 2020)
- Guidance on voluntary recording of COVID-19 experience in the ISCP (17 April 2020)
- COVID-19: JCST Statement update I (1 April 2020)
- COVID-19: JCST Statement (19 March 2020)
COVID-19 additional guidance (AoMRC, GMC and SEBs)
- Release for work for the wider NHS - Letter to NHS organisations (England)
- HEE Supporting a safe environment for surgical training_template letter (April 2022)
- PGME Training Recovery Director of Medical Educational Guidance - Exceptional funding for ES time (January 2022)
- HEE Derogation for MRCS Part A (December 2021)
- Guidance for Placement of Doctors in Training in the Independent Sector (October 2021)
- Statement on continued derogations in medical education and training (September 2021)
- Guidance for use of Outcome 5s for delays due to COVID: Summer 2021 ARCP season (March 2021)
- Supporting Flexible Training During the COVID-19 Pandemic (January 2021)
- Guidance for placement of Doctors in Training in the Independent Sector (December 2020)
- ARCP FAQs for specialty training (December 2020)
- Management of ARCPs and Outcome 10s into 2021 and beyond (December 2020)
- Guidance and Principles for managing extensions to training during COVID-19 (December 2020)
- Supporting the COVID-19 Response: Enabling Progression at ARCP (updated November 2020)
- COVID-19 Accrediting trainee experience during current crisis - Guidance for trainees and Faculty (updated November 2020)
- COVID-19 ARCP Appeal Process (updated November 2020)
- Updated Guidance for managing postgraduate medical trainees whose clinical activity has been significantly altered by COVID-19 (November 2020)
- Maintaining Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Principles for Educational Organisations during Pandemic Surges (September 2020)
- Joint statement from the Presidents of the four Surgical Royal Colleges (Independent Sector)
- HEE/NHSEI Joint Position Statement: Ensuring Education and Training in the Independent Sector
- Agreed principles and guidance around training in the Independent Sector for organisations working under the COVID 19 National Contract
- Supervision Arrangements for Doctors in Training In the Independent Sector: September 2020
- Management of ARCP outcomes for LATs
- SEB guidance: Implementing ARCP Outcomes 10.1 and 10.2 during COVID-19
- COVID-19: AoMRC Specialty Recruitment Plans (30 March 2020)