
When you are appointed to an NTN post you will need to be enrolled with your Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC).

Specialty Enrolment Form

When you are appointed to a NTN post we will expect you to complete and submit a Specialty Enrolment Form on the ISCP website. Before you start your enrolment please ensure that:

  • You have all your approved training placements recorded accurately in your Training History and validated by your Training Programme Director (TPD)
  • You have uploaded an up to date CV onto the ISCP website
  • Your MRCS details have been saved into your ISCP portfolio
  • Those who undertook their BST in Ireland should upload their CCCST or CCBST into their ISCP portfolio

If you have a previous training or previous research you would like to be counted towards your NTN training then please see here

Once you are up to date with the above you will be able to start your enrolment form, this form will be based on the details of your first NTN placement and will need you to add:

  • Your NTN
  • Certification type - this will be CSCST

Once you have submitted your enrolment form the College will check the details on the form, and update your NTN if necessary. They will then validate and submit the form to the JCST. If either the College or the JCST do not think your form is accurate or up to date then they will reject the form back to you.

Once you are enrolled you will be emailed a confirmation of your enrolment and initial expected certification date.

Further useful information can be found here.

Why enrol with your SAC?

Once you are enrolled your SAC will be able to:

  • ratify your appointment to a numbered training programme
  • confirm your expected certification date
  • address any applications for support of periods of out of programme or less than full time training
  • recommend you for certification upon completion of your training