Resources to support data applications

The diagram below explains the process followed for data requests. Below the diagram you will find links to the documents you will need to download in order to complete your application. Guidance notes are also provided to help you complete your application. Finally there is a list of previously approved requests so you can check that the subject of your research has not previously been covered.

Diagram explaining how data requests are processed. It show the request being received by JCST, assessment of the request and the possible clarification been sought. The request is then considered at the next DAARG meeting where is may be rejected, accepted of further clarification sought. Approved requests are then dealt with by the Data Manager, in conjunction with the eLogbook team, with the data then passed to the requester.


Data request application forms and guidance

These two documents should be completed as fully as possible. The spreadsheet is purely for illustrative purposes, it does not show all the data that can be made available. These documents should be completed in conjunction with the guidance notes.

JCST ISCP Data Request Form

Sample data specification spreadsheet


Please read these guidance notes before completing the data request form.

JCST ISCP Data Request Guidance Notes  


Previously approved requests

This spreadsheet contains a list of previously approved request along with details of published research.

DAARG approved requests