Data Requests
This application process can be used to request ISCP, JCST and eLogbook data for research, service evaluation, audit and other types of study. Approval by the Data Analysis, Audit & Research Group (DAARG) will follow the process shown on the resources to support data applications page. To ensure compliance with UK General Data Protection Regulation, direct user access to ISCP data can only be used for surgical training.
The DAARG meets four times each year, usually during March, June, September and December. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd July 2025, with a deadline for requests of Wednesday 4th June 2025.
About the Data Analysis Audit & Research Group
The DAARG is responsible for overseeing all aspects of data use arising from the JCST, ISCP, elogbook and mSurgery. This includes:
- To set a strategy for research and audit priorities to ensure the principles of the ISCP and elogbook are being met.
- To oversee the use of ISCP and elogbook data for the purposes of quality assurance, and evaluation of the curriculum and assessment system.
- To work towards building an evidence base for the utility of the ISCP and elogbook and, where appropriate, to suggest research, audit and quality improvement projects which should be undertaken.
- To ensure the results of all work undertaken with ISCP and elogbook data are disseminated appropriately.
- To ensure the needs of the JCST and SACs are met in terms of release and analysis of data.
- To consider all data requests to ensure that their objectives, methodology and outcomes are in keeping with the ISCP’s and elogbook’s principles, standards and data governance protocols (UK and Ireland).
- Work with trainee organisations including research collaboratives to encourage more involvement in appropriate and relevant studies relating to ISCP and the elogbook, with the aim of developing ISCP and elogbook thus improving their utility.
- To contribute towards improving the quality of ISCP and elogbook data and its availability at agreed levels.
Consider how any changes in the environment/technology may impact the nature of ISCP and elogbook data.
- To report to the Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST) on the data analysis strategy, projects, findings and outcomes and, if necessary, make recommendations for change.
- To make recommendations regarding all and any aspects of work in connection with the analysis of ISCP and elogbook data.
If you have any queries relating to data requests or the DAARG, please contact