Core Surgical Training Advisory Committee Members

Name  Representing 
Jon Mutimer CSTAC Chair 
Helen Cattermole  CSTAC Vice-Chair 
Michael Ho Curriculum lead
James Andrews  National Selection lead
James Pollard TPD representative for North West
Gisella Salerno TPD representative for Thames Valley
Nicola Vannet 
Rhodri Costello 
TPD representative for Wales
Sukhdeep Gill TPD representative for Wessex

Tristan Barton 

TPD representative for South West

Quality Lead

Yuko Smith TPD representative for West Midlands 
Simon Gibson TPD representative for Scotland

Kamal Aryal

Quentin Frew 

TPD representative for East of England
Dara Kavanagh TPD representative for Republic of Ireland
Ian Nichol TPD representative for North East

Emma Collins

Adam Barlow

TPD representative for Yorkshire & Humber
John Hines TPD representative for London

Harjeet Narula

Walid Sasi

TPD representative for East Midlands &

E- Log Book Lead

Claire Jones TPD representative for Northern Ireland

Syed Ahmed

Ian Maheswaran

TPD representative for KSS
Lora Young SAC representative for T&O
Adil Aslam SAC representative for Paediatric Surgery
Claire Murphy  SAC representative for General Surgery
Christopher Fowell SAC representative for OMFS
George Lye SAC representative for Plastic Surgery
Robyn Webber SAC representative for Urology
Patrick Lintott   SAC representative for Vascular Surgery
Arup Ray  SAC representative for Neurosurgery 
TBC SAC representative for Cardio
Alisdair Robertson  SAC representative for ENT
Invited members Representing  
Cleave Gass Lead Dean for Core 
Johnathan Hirniak  ASIT representative  
Saskia Locke BOTA representative  
Katherine Smith  CST UK Hub Educational lead 
Hasnaa Ismail-Koch Simulation Lead
Nicholas Fletcher  Extended Surgical Team 
Christopher Fowell  UKFPO  
Amr Moshen ICBSE
Elsa Björk Valsdóttir Icelandic training programme representative 
Claire Edwards CoPPS representative 
Wayne Sapsford  Defence Medical Services